Thursday, January 30, 2014
All is well in Bloomingdale!
We'll, this week has been an interestingly hard one. Even though
Elder Brown and I didn't have that many lessons this week, 100% of those
lessons had a member present at the lesson. One of which was a miracle
because she moved the appointment we had scheduled with her. We lost
the member who was going to go with us and we had to have a male with
us. So after trying and trying and calling and calling we couldn't get anyone
to come out with us, so we decided that we would go anyways and tell
her in person that we couldn't meet. When we were about 5 minutes out
to the appointment a member called and asked if we need any help, we
told him our needs and he said he could be there in 5 minutes and he
would bring his wife. When we pulled up to the house we offered
a prayer of gratitude that the Lord blessed us with this member to
come out with us. We had 3 investigators who have just been snatched
up by the ward and the only reason is because we carefully and
prayerfully choose "Amuleks" for each investigator. One of whom is
sister Johnson, who is just by her self amazing. She has 3 note books,
one for questions, another for answers to those questions and anything
she feels prompted to write. She even takes notes while we teach her,
which is something I've never even heard of. The members just love her
because they see how invested she is to learning more and wanting to
join the church which makes the members more pumped! The other 2
investigators are the Shaviss Family who the Ward just loves. The ward
is more involved with them than we feel like we are sometimes. The
young man in the family who was the first investigator has been going
to all the mutual activities and has been to every basketball game since
we have found them and the mom who is a single mother has already got help
with food, and help with her water bill, and the bishopric gave her a
blessing. All of this was done with out our knowledge. The "Amuleks" we
found for them are going to be throwing the son a birthday party and
hang out with him often, Its great. I truly feel like their family
has been helping them out more than I've ever seen members help out.
To add a cherry on top for the week we got to see 6 people at church
this Sunday, 3 times as much as I've ever seen. I Feel so blessed
being in this area. I have truly seen some great miracles in this
District. I think one thing could say is what blessings Elder Brown and
I have seen since we have been here. The Zone Leaders pulled some
pretty cool math and said that the first week of the month our
district sat at fulfilling 6% of the standards of excellence and now or
District went up to 52.5% That made Elder Brown and I very happy
because It shows that we have had made a difference as district
leaders to our district and I hope we can keep up the growth.
All is well in Bloomingdale!
Elder Herdt