Thursday, April 17, 2014

I Want to be a 4th Missionary!

This week wasn't too bad, elder palmer's back rim went out of whack, so
we had to borrow a bike from our investigator which wasn't any much
better because it was a 1960 road bike and the seat on in wrecked my
butt so we're getting a new bike today and hopefully we'll get that up and
going with this week. We had a great time this week and saw miracles
with our mini missionary. We were really able help him understand what
missionary work really should be and how to be a 4th missionary. (4th Missionary is in reference to a talked called the 4th Missionary.)  
A fourth missionary's attributes are:
* Obedient and worthy
* Total surrender
*Consecrates himself
*Disciple of Chirst
*Measure of success from within 
* His predominant desire is to do what the Lord wants him to do. 
We were able to talk to a lot of people and it was sad though to see
people's idea of what good is, being this thing of nothingness and
that we are God's puppets and our lives are just a game to him. I love
the gospel so much because I have yet heard of a church that teaches
the kind of hope of a better life than we do. We were able to meet
this sweet lady who didn't know much about religion, proclaimed to be
Catholic but had no doctrinal reason behind her faith. Which worked out
great for us because as we taught her the restoration and a light bulb
clicked in her head and as she just loved the concept of The Book of
I've been recently studying the New Testament, it will be my
first time ever really reading the new testament which is good because
I feel guilty saying I know the bible, even though I most likely do
know more than most Christians. The gospel library has been such a huge
help with the understanding the New Testament. God blesses
missionaries having these iPads. In my studies of the New Testament I found reasons why we study the gospel and why it's so important.
"15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not
to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15)
P.S. All those who read this please pray for Tom Carr and Brain
Parrish both are wanting to be baptized and can't because of medical
problems and both want to and can't quit smoking but are struggling. They just need that extra boost to get to the waters of baptism.
Love Elder Herdt!