Hey Sunshine,
Thought I'd wish you a happy 20th birthday. Your packages are at the mission home if you haven't got them yet. Have a wonderful day. You are no longer a teenager, you're almost a full grown man!
Yer mama
Thanks mom!
Had a pretty great birthday, way better than My 18th. Remember that,
when I went skeet shooting all by myself? Bad birthday. But this one
was pretty good.
Look what Tyler sent me, you can can tell we're all family
"Happy Birthday Bro!!!! You are officially no longer a teenager.
That's kind of a big deal. Your almost a full grown man. That means no
more cutting the crust off of your sandwich"
-Tyler Herdt
Got all my packages, Thanks!
Thanks for the shirts. My first shirts are not looking the best.
I can not believe Jenna is married. That's too weird.
(Sam Moody enters the MTC the same day Elder Herdt gets home)
Maybe I can face time Sam right before he goes in. Speaking
about FaceTime. The mission is getting new iPads re-issued to
missionaries I'll send you the email on it. I am not required to buy
it though because I came out before August 23rd. In the Future I may
be able to purchase the iPad the mission is lending. The new one is updated and
has 32 gigs so it would be cool because if I owned it then I could
make a quick call at the air port.
Elder Herdt