Well Elder Brown and I are going amazing in Bloomingdale! We saw quite a few miracles this week! Most of our miracles have stemmed of this one bases that our ward mission leader has felt we need to as missionaries and a ward needs to implement, is the need to do service. That if we have the mind set to serve others we will bless so many lives this year. So, on Monday night we got a call from a member who out of the blue decided to move. We went over to help her and a neighbor boy of her's came over and helped too. Through serving with him he said that he wanted to start going to church and that next week he wanted to come to church and wants a ride to church. That's a Huge miracle! Second, her son, a less active member, was moving to Arizona and he wanted us to give him a blessing. We did and he thanked us so very much for it; another miracle. 3rd, while moving, her other son came out, a non-member who hates the church and missionaries, and helped us taking things out. Afterward, we got to chat with him and really made a bond with him. It was so out of his character that I know it was only though serving this family did we see these miracles come forth.
The next act of service that bore fruit miracles happened on Wednesday night. We were teaching this young man that the Hermanas Tracked into, and at the end of the lesson he told us that he and his family had not eaten in 2 days, (his mom, brother age seven and sister 6 months old.) We then hurried to the apartment and grabbed all the spare food we could give. After delivering the food his mom called us and thanked us and thanked us and told us that she didn't know what she was going to do. She had called friends and family all of them being in the same situation and couldn't provide aid. We told her it was nothing. Later that week, the same investigator got picked up by a member and played basketball for the ward; they even won! Afterward they went to the same house that we helped move early that week and moved some stuff for them and picked up a piano to take to the church. We just happened to be at the church finishing up weekly planning when we saw them moving the piano in. It was great, he really looked like the ward had enveloped him and they were having a blast. We served them, he helped serve with us, the spirit of service was with us this week.
To continue on this week we were at a recent convert's home, the one with the type of cancer the Elder McConkie passed away from, and made a fire for him in his fireplace. He said that the night we lit that fire was the first night he had a uninterrupted sleep in a long time and had 10 hours of strait sleep. we were in his home for not even a half an hour and we had the opportunity to bless him for hours to come.
Last week we were going out of an appointment in an apartment complex and we saw a man packing up his house and was struggling to get up off the floor. We only saw him at a glance be we had the instant urge to go back and see if he needed help. He then told us that he was fine but said if we came back next Thursday he was moving and we could come help then. Lucky enough that was the same day that we were going back to the same investigator for another lesson so it was going to work beautifully. We went back on that Thursday to help and he invited us in but he told us he was going to move the next morning. He started talking to us and showed us all of his war medals and as we sat down and got to know him we found out his religious background and he started getting interested in our religion. We taught him the restoration, and he was agreeing with all of the things we were teaching him. We left him with a Book of Mormon and restoration pamphlet and went back the next morning. When we got there we were the only ones there and moved about 75% of his apartment to his truck. He was so impressed on how we got the work done. By the time his other movers got there, we were about to leave. We gave him our contact info and gave him a hug. He gave us a hug that you would think we had been best friends with him his whole life. As Elder Brown and I left, we were left wondering what was going to happen to this man. My mind quickly related the story found in the Ensign this month "Latter-day Saint Voice", 'May I Read That Book?" I know our part was fulfilled in his Journey back toward his heavenly father and hope someday I will hear what happened after the day we left him.
So because of all of these miracles we were seeing this week through service, at one of our dinner appointments we decided we were going to share this Mormon message with one of the families in our ward called "Gordon B Hinckley lessons I learned as a boy"
We then shared our experiences and read from The Book of Mormon Moroni 7:43-48 about Charity being the Pure Love of Christ and how Charity Never faileth. After the dinner appointment the Husband of the Family came out with us to a lesson and while driving there we drove past a man whose car was broken down in the middle of the road. The member stopped, hooked up his truck to the mans car and pulled him to the gas station. As we helped him with his efforts I thought, I've never seen a lesson applied so quickly. We pushed the car to a stall and while our member was filling his tank we gave him a card with our contact info on it. We invited him to church and he said he'll be there.
How we look after working a long day!
-"For Charity Never Faileth"
Elder Herdt