Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Baptismalizing Gods Children
Such an amazing couple of days to see my friend Adrienne get baptized. This journey for Her has been very like a foggy Illinois day. It all started a little over a Month ago with a prayer to Heavenly Father for him to help her get her life pointed in the right direction. He had provided her with enough light to make a couple of steps into the cloudiness, like being invited to church by a random co-worker, meeting another friend/coworker who she graduated college at church and the then was invited to meet the missionaries with her . The light of Christ is Endless and never can be darkened, and that light grows brighter and brighter until that perfect day. As we met with her she put all of her heart into finding this all out for herself. She read the Book of Mormon, with out even being asked and constantly studying church materials. She would even do it at work! She asked us when she should be baptized and we turned it around an invited her to pray when she should be baptized. She texted us. Few days later telling us December 13th at 10am. The coolest thing is when someone receives revelation like that God is telling them that it will happen if they try and she did. She was Baptized that day at that time and I thank God for being able to meet Adrienne and help her in the foggy journeys we call life.
We had our Ward Christmas Party this Saturday as well and Elder Hon and I were the Pie Judges. Missions are REALLY Hard some times! Judging 20 Mormon pies. It's a tough job.