I have no idea why but the last couple of weeks I have not been having a good preparation day. I think Its because Elder Hahn wants to be "lazy on P-days" as he told me. Where I want to cram my P-Day with as many activities as possible.
We have been having a pretty great week though with a pretty close call with one of our investigators.
We have been teaching a Member referral, Elizabeth, a 19 year old single mom with a 2 year old son. So she has been pretty much our only investigator that is progressing at this point and she tried to drop us last Friday night because of some festering concerns of Joseph Smith and Plural marriage and the problem with most Christians of the Doctrines of Grace and Works. We have been trying to resolve her concerns and for the most part we have. An evidence of that was she came to church this Sunday and she is planning on coming next week. Were hoping we can settle her concerns once and for all because president fenn will be teaching her with us this Wednesday so Fingers crossed!
But in other News while doing service last Tuesday we got to hold some day old baby goats! :D cutest things ever!
Also Illinois has been having very bi-POLAR vortex weather. Below zero one day and 52 degrees the next!